Virtual Vision's Affiliate Program and your monthly commissions
Affiliate Pay are commissions you make monthly from recurring services:
Virtual Vision pays you for sales you make. This is called direct pay.
Virtual Vision pays you for sales made by affiliates 2 levels below you. This is called Team Pay.
Affiliate Pay are commissions you make monthly from affiliates you help sign up:
Level 0: 40% of Team Pay (Sales that you make.)
Level 1: 20% of Team Pay (Sales from Affiliates at level 1.)
Level 2: 10% of Team Pay (Sales from Affiliates at level 2.)
For example:
$99.95/mo paid by the customer pays you $24.00/mo for direct pay.
$99.95/mo paid by the customer pays you $12.00/mo for team pay.
All the details are on the next continue button.
Learn ALOT more by continuing to the next page or better yet,
Call and talk to Andy, 715 675 9194.